“Dear Future Me”

Dear future,

It’s weird to think that you are me (I am you)                                                                                 Living in some other City,                                                                                                                    (hopefully) in some other house.

Its weird to think that you live                                                                                                             a different life compared to mine                                                                                                       and I hope you’re happy.

Its weird to think how you are dreaming                                                                                         and wishing like me,                                                                                                                             but probably for different things.

It’s weird to how you’re all grown up                                                                                               while I’m just me-                                                                                                                                 here sitting, doing the same old routine.

Or maybe be it’s not weird at all.


Love,                                                                                                                                                     Me


What commercial on TV do you dislike beyond all others? What about it is particularly annoying to you?

Sunsilk Hairtalk “Destiny” Philippines

Besides the preview image above looking like the guy has stolen a pair of used undies, this commercial is also somewhat annoying. Now I’m not female and I am a bit lacking in the hair department, but I’m just not sure how you are supposed to talk with your hair. I mean, it’s possible they are saying something else completely different right?

Three goals I have set for myself are…

  1. Education
    Continuous education is important for success in life. Not just your career. And education should not be just for the sake of career promotions although people often do that. I want to learn new things that can enrich my life. Learning is a process and a journey – not a destination. I should never stop learning to improve.
  2.  Family
    How much time do you want to spend with your family? What are some of the things that you have neglected to do for them the past year? Something that you have always wanted to do for them – perhaps a holiday? Put these down in writing. It may seem simple but trust me this is one area where it is challenging for personal goal setting. Sometimes we misplace our priorities.
  3.  Financial
    How much money do you want to save by when? What would be the big-ticket items that you would like to buy? A house? A car? How much do you plan to earn by when? Having a financial goal is crucial in enjoying the material side of things. Financial rewards  are directly related to our careers. Therefore, they are important in our personal setting.

Finish this thought: if I could change one thing about myself (if you can’t think of anything, you might want to consider telling how you got to be perfect!)

I want to continue to grow as a person, here’s the 7 ways to make the most of myself.

  1. Compliment Yourself                                                                                                            Every morning before I go on with my daily routine. I take a couple of minutes to give my self a compliment. Whether I compliment my outfit, haircut, or how I recently completed a task using my unique skill sets, giving my self a little emotional boost will make me happy.
  2. Don’t Make excuses                                                                                                            Own my mistakes and learn from them. When I do this, I will become a better person. When I personally started living up to my mistakes and downfalls, my life turned itself around.
  3. Let Go of Anger
    Letting go of anger is easier said than done. While anger is a perfectly normal emotion, I can’t let it fester. When this happens, I may make unwise decisions, and more important, it may affect my health.
  4. Listen to Others 
    As Jeet Banerjee notes on Lifehack, “listening to people and giving everyone a voice is one of the greatest things you can do.” He adds that he “got to meet some of the most amazing people, close some of the biggest deals, and develop connections that will last me a lifetime all because I took time to listen to people. Being a good listener can change your life in a positive manner.”
  5.  Always Be Polite
    How much effort does it take to say, “Thank you,” or to hold the elevator door open for someone? Not much at all. However, these acts of kindness can make someone’s day. I decided a few years ago that it doesn’t matter if someone is ultra rude, condescending, or worse. The way someone else behaves is not going to determine my behavior.
  6.  Be Yourself
    Tiffany Mason has five excellent reasons on Lifehack why you should be yourself. These include being able to align yourself with your values and beliefs, establish your identity, build courage, create boundaries, and find focus and direction.
  7. Surprise People
    How good does it feel to make someone smile? It feels pretty good, right? I make Surprise to loved ones or co-classmates now and then, with a gift, a night out on the town, or by offering help when you know they could use it.

    Becoming a better person doesn’t happen overnight, but it is possible. Believe in yourself and know that it is possible!

“Dear Past Me”

Dear Past,


Stop tapping me in the shoulder,                                                                                                         I don’t wanna look back again.                                                                                                     Stop making me reminisce things                                                                                                       that are supposed to be a memory.                                                                                                     You were so stupid. Just beyond stupid.                                                                                             I can’t even explain how stupid your were.


Love,                                                                                                                                                         Me

Dear Past Me

This is the excerpt for your very first post.

Dear Past,

Stop tapping me in the shoulder,                                                                                                         I don’t wanna look back again.                                                                                                     Stop making me reminisce things                                                                                                       that are supposed to be a memory.                                                                                                     You were so stupid. Just beyond stupid.                                                                                             I can’t even explain how stupid your were.


Love,                                                                                                                                                         Me